Urgent food rescue in retail stores
There are situations when we do not even have time to transport the products into our warehouse to distribute them to our partner organisations from there. Such products donated by food stores whose sell by date is that particular day, so we have only a few hours to deliver the products to the people who need them.
Our urgent food rescue scheme has been designed for these situations which means that food donations are transported from the retail stores directly to nearby partner organisations. The Food Bank in this scheme is responsible for building contacts, the adequate preparation of organisations involved, the launch of specific retail store projects and process monitoring primarily focusing on the constant control of shipping and distribution administration.
Urgent distribution is a demanding task for our partner organisations too as the transportation and distribution of food take place in the evening hours. However, reactions from recipients confirm that these efforts are worth making as these donations include high value food such as fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy and bakery products that people are very happy to receive.
A special case of urgent food rescue is the closing time of retail stores before public holidays (e.g. Christmas, Easter). As retail stores normally open every day, closing for several days means, more food products expire and are required to be discarded than at any other time. To be able to give out food for the Holidays makes us especially happy.