About Us
Who we are?
The Hungarian Food Bank Association is a non-profit organization that works to make a link between surplus food and people in need in Hungary in order to help reduce poverty, hunger and malnutrition.
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Food banks around the world
The first food bank was founded in the United Sates in 1966. Nowadays food banks that help millions of deprived persons are found in many countries around the world from America through Australia to Western Europe.
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Contact Us
Office, warehouse:
H - 1172 Budapest, Lokátor str 3.
Phone: +36 1 261 3991
Fax: +36 1 253 0003
E-mail: elelmiszerbank@elelmiszerbank.hu
Press Contact:
Sczígel Andrea: +36 30 619 9940, sczigel.andrea@elelmiszerbank.hu
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