How can you help?
It is important that:
- Should the number of the needy and the hungry decrease in Hungary?
- should food surpluses not end up in destroyers but on the plates of others?
- to reduce the environmental impact of food waste?
Support our work in one of the following ways so in the future we could build further the bridge between those in need and the donating companies with surplus food.
We multiply the value of donations in all cases, which is due to the fact that food is taken over and passed on free of charge, we “only” have to cover the costs of warehousing, logistics and transportation.
Thus, out of a HUF 1,000 donation, we deliver food worth HUF 30,000 to where it is really needed.
Volunteer opportunities
Our work includes many activities where volunteers can effectively assist.
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Credit card payment / Bank transfer
The fastest and easiest way to send us your offer is with your credit card!
If you want to send your support by bank transfer, you can also do so!
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Support us with 1% of your income tax
Why us? – we collect surplus food from producers and distributors, - we save products with an approaching expiration date from becoming waste on a daily basis, - we provide food for app. 300 000 people in need with the help of hundreds of NGOs and municipalities, - we move more than 2600 tons of food yearly, - we are an ethical, transparent non-profit organization.
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Donate by phone
You can donate 250 HUF in the most convenient way by either dialing the phone number 13600 and subsequently giving the code 01 or texting the code 01 to the same phone number 13600.
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