Donate by phone

You can donate 500 HUF in the most convenient way by either dialing the phone number 13600 and subsequently giving the code 01 or texting the code 01 to the same phone number 13600. You can reach Adhat Vonal through the fixed-line and mobile network of Invitel and Telekom or through the network of Telenor and Vodafone.

Please, see below the report in Hungarian on the donations from the Adhat Vonal (2013-2016).

Some examples of how much your donation is worth:

  • 1 000 HUF (3.7 USD, 3,2 EUR) = saving 380 boxes of yoghurt
  • 2 000 HUF (7.4 USD, 6.4 EUR) = compiling and distributing 36 food packages (3,5-4 kg each) to families
  • 5 000 HUF (17 USD, 16 EUR) = price of a thermobox with which we can distribute 50 portions of warm food per occasion
  • 10 000 HUF (34 USD, 32 EUR)  = weekly running cost of our refrigerated container out of which we distribute about 1 million HUF worth of dairy and meat per week
  • 20 000 HUF (68 USD, 65 EUR) = transportation of 400 food packages to a village in a deprived area
  • 50 000 HUF (173 USD, 164 EUR) = transportation of a full truck of food (about 1000 packages) to a village in a deprived area

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